Graduate School of Medicine (Doctor’s Program Only)



  • Physiology
  • Pathology
  • Social Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Surgery

The Graduate School of Medicine offers 5 majors in physiology, pathology, social medicine, internal medicine, and surgery, with the aim to foster good clinicians, superior medical researchers and enthusiastic medical educators for the future.
The progress of medicine depends both on advances in medical technology based on clinical experiments and on new developments in medical research. At the Graduate School of Medicine, our goal is to deepen the students’ expertise within their selected specialization, and at the same time develop their ability to respond to rapid changes and increasing specialization in medical research, and to pursue new ideas and open up new fields of research rather than being bound by convention, in order to contribute to the wellbeing of mankind through medicine. To further advance the field of medicine, we also think it important to not only pursue cutting-edge ideas in clinical medicine and research, but also to produce human resources that will educate coming generations of doctors and medical researchers.

Access and Contact
School of Medicine,
Graduate School of Medicine (Doctor’s Program Only)

30-1, Oyaguchi Kami-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8610

  • Tobutojo Line Get off at Oyama Station(5 min. by Local); 15 min. on foot
