
◉Doctoral Degrees Awarded13,168*1)◉Number of Faculty(full-time)2,612*2)◉Collection of Books5,691,928*3)◉Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(AY2021) awarded by8(0)*1) as of March 25, 2021 *2) as of May 1, 2021 *3) as of April, 2021Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)and Japan Society for the Promotion ofScience(JSPS) 1,052 million yen(US$9.5 million)Interdisciplinary study for practical application of cell-based therapy using technology from Nihon UniversityInformation and communication technology for oral health care in Southeast AsiaDevelopment of new technical methods for material research and searching for new functional materials through collaboration over several different fieldsInventionSubmittedDomestic2,3332,162Patent ApplicationsOverseasTotalDomestic(Active)9703,1321,356 million yen(US$12.24million)Registered PatentsPatent RightUtilityModelRight(Active)Overseas(Active)804(235)323(82)as ofDecember 31, 2021DesignRight(Active)27(7)Nihon University, as a multi-disciplinary educational institution, encourages cooperation among different fields, and promotes research in a wide range of disciplines.Nihon University also promotes the transfer of new technologiesand knowledge (resulting from research) to the industrial sector, and was a superior class in the ranking, among all private universities in Japan, with their total number of income-generating patents in the academic year of 2020.In addition, Nihon University is highly regarded in Japan as it was ranked as the third among all Japanese private universities in terms of the number of researches that are granted “Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research” (the largest research grant in Japan).*Patents were from the 2020 fiscal year, and grants-in-aid for scientific research were from the 2021 fiscal year.Patent Activity◉Total Patent Royalty Income(AY1998-AY2021)Recent Large-Scale Research ProjectsRESEARCHGlobally Recognized Research atGlobally Recognized Research atNihon UniversityNihon University

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