School of Dentistry at Matsudo



  • Dentistry

“Medical Dentistry” is the School’s motto, and we firmly believe that “the condition of the teeth and oral cavity is indicative of the condition of the whole body.” For instance, early symptoms of AIDS often include oral candidiasis and ulcerative gingivitis. Our new curriculum, which was introduced in 2002, reflects this emphasis on “medical dentistry.” The 1st year features classes in basic oral structure and health concepts, welfare, and medical insurance, while the 2nd year introduces classes in basic medicine such as pathology and physiology, as well as the fundamentals of dentistry. During the 3rd and 4th years, the students learn the basics of clinical treatment such as the origins and symptoms of disease, and also basic diagnosis. After the 4th year, all students are required to undergo two examinations that are common to all schools of dentistry in Japan, namely CBT (Computer Based Testing) and OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). Having passed these tests, the 5th year is spent in clinical practice on real patients, and on studies of adjacent branches of medicine and advanced medicine. From the 1st throughout the 6th year, case studies and career training is carried out in small groups, and thanks to the close educational guidance of the staff, the students acquire what it takes to become fully fledged medical practitioners.

Access and Contact
Nihon University Graduate School of Dentistry at Matsudo

2-870-1 Sakae-cho-nishi, Matsudo-shi,Chiba 271-8587

  • JR Joban Line,
    Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line or Shin Keisei Line: Get off at Matsudo Sta. Go out the West Exit. 15 min. by bus.Get off at Nichidai-shika-byouin bus stop.
