Educational Goals
We are working, focusing on sports coaching, on interdisciplinary research, which covers all aspects of various sports related to various fields of science: such as natural, social, and medical. We have a wide variety of faculty members including former athletes and coaches who have been active in international competitions, sports researchers and practitioners, junior training instructors, and so on, and they give students support for learning. All students are members of sports teams such as the club team of Nihon University Health and Physical Education Council. Students can also practice competition in an array of sports clubs within the department. We offer two courses: (i) the Athlete Course, which goes into depth with the practice theory which enables students to improve their athletic abilities, and (ii) the Sports Support Course, which allows students to gain expertise about the sports fields. We also have a credit transfer system, which gives students the opportunity to enroll in undergraduate courses at other departments of Nihon University. For example, students are allowed, in order for cultivating an ability to cope with various risks, to take courses in the Risk Management Department at the Sangenjaya campus.
Future Paths
As the demand for professionals trained in physical education and sports has increased in recent years, students at our school have various career paths waiting for them. The paths of students who choose the athlete course range from being a professional athlete to businessman athletes to corporate sports athlete, and so on. In addition, the School of Sports Science actively seeks employment for students who want to improve their competitiveness. The students who choose the Sports Support Course have career paths ranging from management and strength coaching to local sports leader, conducting sports research, or having a private career. Furthermore, as many local governments are currently engaged in the recruitment and training of prospective athletes in preparation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, students are supposed to obtain an administrative position related to competitive sports.