This is closed. Thank you for your cooperation.

TERM: Starting as early as possible (it may take a few months for administration in the University), the term is until the end of March 2013. Extension is planned to the end of March 2014 (see Notes below).

CANDIDATES: A strong background in at least one of the areas among supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry, synthetic chemistry, and photochemistry, is highly desirable.

The Otsuki group will work on light energy harvesting focusing on artificial photosynthesis (water cleavage) and new dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells (in collaboration with NIMS, Tsukuba).

SALARY: 350,000 Japanese yen per month. The work conditions are in accord with the bylaws of the Nihon University. See (in Japanese).

APPLICATION: Please submit the following documents prepared in English or Japanese by e-mail to Otsuki at the address below. (1) CV; (2) publication list; (3) a possible research plan that you could carry out during your post-doc period (please be concise within 2 pages; this is only for selection purposes; the actual research plan will be worked out on discussion).

Recommendation letters may be required at a later stage.

The application deadline is July 28, 2012.

NOTES: The Project is approved on the basis of annual evaluation of the progress by the University. Availability of the post-doctoral position for April 2013 to March 2014 is verified provided that the renewal of the Project is approved.

A successful candidate may be asked to apply to the JSPS for the fellowship as well in line with our effort to obtain funds from sources outside the University. The result of the JSPS application, however, will not affect the decision we have made concerning your employment.
