
Approximately two-and-a-half-month period students study comprehensive Japanese language intensively for 150 hours (3 hours per day for 50 days); 150 hours is the basic number of study hours required to advance one level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

*JLSP and JLP are both one-term programs; the same programs are offered three times in an academic year.

Class Timetable (Timetable for 2024 is provided as a reference)

*The timetable may change from year to year.

  Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 9:00-10:30
Comprehensive Japanese
2 10:40-12:10 Comprehensive Japanese
3 13:00-14:30 Japan Studies
Elective Japanese
Japan Studies
Elective Japanese
4 14:40-16:10 Japan Studies
Elective Japanese

*Comprehensive Japanese (JLSP・JLP Common Compulsory) is divided into levels.

*Elective Japanese (JLSP・JLP Common Elective) has subjects(Communication, Creation, Intercultural Experience, Autonomous Learning).

* ◎: JLSP・JLP Common Compulsory △: JLSP・JLP Common Elective ○: JLSP Compulsory