Facts & Figures

Number of Students (as of May 1, 2020)

  Male Female Total
Graduate 2,074 747 2,821
Undergraduate* 49,663 24,166 73,829
Junior College** 424 379 803
Special Training Schools 37 477 514
High Schools  17,236 13,453 30,689
Junior High Schools 4,126 3,115 7,241
Primary School 559 422 981
Kindergarten 332 322 654
Certified Child's Garden 105 86 191
Total 74,556 43,167 117,723

* Including Distance Learning Division
** Including Advanced Course for Junior College

Number of International Students by program (as of May 1, 2020)

Graduate School

School Master Doctor Professional course Total
Law 20 2   22
Journalism and Media 21 2   23
Literature and Social Sciences 39 1   40
Integrated Basic Sciences 6 1   7
Economics 7     7
Business Administration 91 1   92
Art 87 8   95
International Relations 12     12
Science and Technology 27 6   33
Industrial Technology 14 2   16
Engineering 7     7
Medicine       0
Dentistry       0
Dentistry at Matsudo   2   2
Bioresource Sciences 7 3   10
Veterinary Medicine   3   3
Pharmacy       0
Business       0
Law School       0
Intellectual Property       0
Total 338 31 0 369


Undergraduate, Junior College

College Undergraduate Junior Col. Total
Law 96   96
Humanities and Sciences 233   233
Economics 153   153
Commerce 41   41
Art 146   146
International Relations 64   64
Risk Management 1   1
Sports Sciences 13   13
Science and Technology 200 1 201
Industrial Technology 113   113
Engineering 33   33
Medicine     0
Dentistry 1   1
Dentistry at Matsudo 2   2
Bioresource Sciences 39   39
Pharmacy 8   8
Total 1143 1 1144


Number of International Students by Country & Area (as of May 1, 2020)

Countries Undergraduate Master Doctor Professional course Junior Col. Total
U. S. A. 3 0 0 0 0 3
U. A. E. 5 0 0 0 0 5
Algeria 0 0 1 0 0 1
Israel 0 1 0 0 0 1
India 1 0 0 0 0 1
Indonesia 6 1 0 0 0 7
U. K.  1 1 0 0 0 2
Australia 1 0 0 0 0 1
Kazakhstan 2 0 0 0 0 2
Korea 122 4 3 0 0 129
Kenya 1 0 0 0 0 1
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 0 0 0 0 1
Cambodia 1 0 0 0 0 1
Samoa 1 0 0 0 0 1
Sri Lanka 1 0 0 0 0 1
Thailand 3 1 2 0 0 6
Taiwan 28 7 4 0 0 39
China 935 319 18 0 0 1272
Chile 0 1 0 0 0 1
Germany 3 0 0 0 0 3
Turkey 2 0 0 0 0 2
Tonga 3 0 0 0 0 3
Fiji 2 0 0 0 0 2
Viet Nam 8 1 0 0 0 9
Belgium 1 0 0 0 0 1
Poland 1 0 0 0 0 1
Mali 2 0 0 0 0 2
Malaysia 5 0 0 0 0 5
Myanmar 3 0 0 0 1 4
Mongolia 1 3 0 0 0 4
Lebanon 0 0 1 0 0 1
Russia 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total 1143 339 30 0 1 1513


Number of Teaching and Administrative Staff (as of May 2019)

  Teach. Admin. Total
Colleges 2,653 1,333 3,986
Distance Learning Division 11 43 54
Junior College 48 5 53
Special Training Schools 30 3 33
Senior High Schools 568 91 659
Junior High Schools 97 8 105
Praimary School 16 3 19
Kindergarten 7 6 13
Certified child's Garden 21 3 24
Hospitals - 2,264 2,264


Cashflow Statement

in thousands of Yen

Tuiton and other student fees 111,577,724
Entrance examination fees and other fees 3,673,222
Donations 4,560,287
Subsi dies 21,860,825
Income from the sales of assets 16,949
Income from associated operations and revenue generating activities 3,268,823
Income from medical activities 47,243,417
Income from interest and dividends 1,083,233
Miscellaneous 10,774,050
Loans 500,000
Prepayed tuition and other deferred credits 19,954,912
Other income 25,066,895
Income-flow adjustment △ 31,393,694
Total income of this financial year 218,186,643
Cash and equivalents carried over from previous year 45,559,716
Total 263,746,359



Personnel 94,078,248
Education and research 67,207,780
Institutional administration 7,591,413
Interest on loans 163,145
Repayment of loans 2,388,590
Land, buildings, and other construction in progress 9,880,778
Equipment, libraries, and other 5,337,362
Asset management 39,834,058
Other expenses 7,938,123
Expenses-flow adjustment △ 7,643,496
Total expenses of this financial year 226,776,001
Balance brought forward for following financial year 36,970,358
Total 263,746,359


Statement of Revenue and Expenditure


Operation and activities balance

Income from operations and activities  
Tuition and other student fees 111,577,724
Entrance examination fees and other fees 3,673,222
Donations and asset gifts 4,617,077
Subsidies for operating costs, etc. 21,247,637
Income from associated operations 3,268,822
Income from medical activities 47,243,417
Miscellaneous 10,745,812
Income from educational activities sub-total 202,373,711
Expenditures related to activities  
Personnel 93,469,564
Education and research 84,452,207
Institutional administration 8,597,633
Uncollectible accounts, etc. 975
Expenditures related to educational activities sub-total 186,520,379
Educational activities balance 15,853,332


Income and expenditures outside of educational activities

Revenues from operations and activities  
Income from interest/dividends 1,083,233
Income from outside of educational activities sub-total 1,083,233
Expenditures related to operations and activities  
Interest on loans 163,145
Expenditures outside of educational activities sub-total 163,145
Outside of educational activities balance  920,088
Current account balance  16,773,420


Special income and expenditures

Income from operations and activities  
Gains from sale of assets 3,716
Other special income 978,088
Special income sub-total 981,804
Expenditures related to operations and activities  
Net loss on disposition 538,595
Other special expenditures 253,790
Special expenditures sub-total 792,385
Special income and expenditures balances 189,419


Income and expenditures balance for current financial year before transfer to capital fund 16,962,839
Transfer to capital fund △ 11,300,863
Income and expenditures balance for current financial year 5,661,976
Income carried forward from the previous year △ 316,621,037
Income carried over to the following year △ 310,959,061


Income from operations and activities sub-total 204,438,748
Expenditures related to operations and activities sub-total 187,475,909


Balance Sheet


Fixed assets 719,388,500
(Tangible fixed assets) 448,630,346
(Specified assets) 266,174,691
(Other assets) 4,583,463
Current assets 49,698,228
Total 769,086,728

Liabilities, Capital Fund, Balance of Income and Expenditures

Long-term Liabilities 116,316,334
Current liabilities 35,384,934
Total liabilities 151,701,268
Capital fund 928,344,521
Income and expenditures balance brought forward △ 310,959,061
Net assets sub-total 617,385,460
Total 769,086,728